In the modern rental market, site costs are an essential component of equipment operating expenses. Bee.Lease offers an efficient solution to save on storage costs through its innovative double stacking design.
Efficient Utilization of Vertical Space
Stability Assurance
Economic Value Analysis: Storage Savings for 100 Units
For 100 Bee.Lease units, each occupying a footprint of 4.2m * 1.5m = 6.3m², the total required area is 630m². Including 30% space for aisles and clearance, the total area becomes 630m²*1.3 = 819m².
With double stacking, the area for 100 units is halved to 315m². Adding 30% for aisles and clearance brings the total to 315m²*1.3 = 409.5m².
Assumed Rental Cost: 12 CNY/m² per month.
Traditional Storage Cost: 819m² × 12 CNY/month = 9,828 CNY/month.
Double Stacking Storage Cost: 409.5m² × 12 CNY/month = 4,914 CNY/month.
Monthly Savings: 9,828 CNY – 4,914 CNY = 4,914 CNY.
Annual Savings: 4,914 CNY × 12 months = 58,968 CNY.
Savings Ratio: 4,914 / 9,828 = 50%
These savings demonstrate the significant economic advantage of Bee.Lease’s innovative design.
Bee.Lease’s double stacking design not only saves storage costs but also provides customers with a safe and efficient storage solution. The demonstrated economic value positions Bee.Lease as a transformative force in the rental industry.
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No matter what methods you have to improve the leasing application scenarios, is very happy to discuss with you and promote the improvement of the solution.